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Cairns and District Chinese Association Inc

Chinese Language Class

Sat, 2 Feb 2019
09:00 AM - 11:59 PM

CADCAI Is starting Chinese language classes for members in February 2019. Make an effort today to benefit your child’s future tomorrow. CADCAI is currently seeking enrolments from students aged from 4 years to 18 years old. Classes will be 40 mins long and divided into 3 levels - beginner, middle and advanced. Experienced and suitably qualified teachers will deliver a fun, varied program which will include : listening, speaking, reading , writing, poetry, singing and dancing. Students will have the opportunity to participate in various Chinese cultural activities and CADCAI will provide a platform for students to perform and practise their Chinese language skills. Classes start on 2 February 2019 - the first semester is 10 weeks long. Cost: $10 per lesson. The price of 2 cups of coffee can let your child appreciate the charm of Chinese (Children from CADCAI Molihua and Lion teams will receive a discount ) If you are not a current member of CADCAI, please register for a family membership at :  https://cadcai.tidyhq.com/public/ and then complete the student enrolment form and email it to grace.ge@cadcai.org.au

华人协会中文班开班啦~为了推广中文,功在今天,利在未来,面向家庭会员招收4一18岁学员,分为初、中、高三个班,有丰富教学经验及相关学历的老师们授课,课时40分钟,形式多样化,听说读写, 诗词歌唱舞蹈,组织各种有关中国文化活动,并提供展示平台。2019年2月2号开课,第一学期10周,每课十刀(协会舞蹈/舞狮队员半价),两杯咖啡的价格就可以让孩子领略中文的魅力,赶快行动吧,为孩子们的未来加力!


Grafton Street, behind Asian SuperMart, Cairns, Queensland, 4870, Australia

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